Peaches – glorious peaches – from May through August, filled our tables and tummies with cobblers, crisps, and pies, jams, jellies, and bellinis, and even a chutney, a tart or two, and some simply good peaches and cream.
Blackberries and plums gave us the deepest aubergine to don our homes and tableaux, and plums kept us, well, plum delighted with their juicy goodness. Crunches and conserves and bowls of the summer beauties were just the ticket to enjoy these lovely jewels in summer’s crown.

Ahhhhhh…hydrangeas…our tabletops, mantles, foyers, and homes in general were filled with the splendor of this flower. Now, we have them as dried mementos of the dog days of summer, but what a reminder of the fabulous flower. Use the dried mopheads and panicles for autumnal arrangements and holiday décor, but remember their beauty from the summer before.
The Fall Equinox literally takes place at that exact moment when the sun is perpendicular to the equator. On September 22, 2010, the Fall Equinox happens at 11:09 pm EDT, for the Northern Hemisphere. Fall is hours away folks…merely hours away. Let’s ring in the coming season and keep in mind the richness, the splendor, of the summer before.

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