
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interview with Jackie K. Cooper

If y'all don't have the pleasure of calling Jackie K. Cooper your friend, well then folks, y'all are missing out! He's the guru of movie reviews, a famed author and a family friend. Yet...

Jackie is not only a family friend (he and Granddaddy are in the same lunch bunch... along with a lawyer and a judge so their group sounds like a joke of them all in a rowboat going somewhere.) Anyways... Moving forward, Jackie is also my friend.

I count folks like JKC as quite special friends, since they are not only friends with the generations before me, but also friends with me. As a youngen', it makes you feel special when your grandparents' friends befriend you. Multigenerational friends I think are the very fabric that make Southern society so delightful and integral to our heritage. Thank you JKC for being MY friend... And Grandaddy's too!

Here's an interview Jackie conducted with me at my shop and office on Carro Street, downtown Perrydise. Thank you Jackie for this fun time together, and I'm looking forward to our next chat. I'm sure it'll involve lunch somewhere good!

1 comment:

  1. JF, I was born in Albany, and I like your little ol' blog! Thanks for sharing.

