
Monday, March 11, 2013

Lock, Stock and Barrel

When you're from somewhere like Kathleen, Georgia, outside of Perry, Georgia, then a farm in Warthen, Georgia, outside of Sandersville, Georgia, does not seem the least bit out of place to host a wonderful event. For folks who've never heard of Kathleen, we round up to Perry as do folks in Warthen rounding up to Sandersville - it's what we do!

For their Lock, Stock and Barrel event, the fine folks of Sandersville and Warthen proper truly set the scene for a fabulous time with skeet shooting, an oyster roast, sunset cocktails, amazing food and outstanding company. The wonderful cookbook author and my dear friend as well, Gena Knox (also see her Fire and Flavor site), and yours truly were asked to present a cooking and tabletop demonstration for Lock, Stock and Barrel and a barrel of fun it was!!

From Gena's "Stuffed Vidalia Onions" to my "Strawberry Trifle" and tablescape too, we had a thrilling time presenting our recipes and ideas to this fine group of folks. And throw in a marvelous buffet of amazing Southern haute cuisine, a pie bar and terrific company, one could not ask for a better evening!

My dear friend Maggie Lunsford and my assistant Sami were amazing helpers for the event!

There's nothing like a Southern soirée to fill this Farmer's Saturday night and my friends in Sandersville and Warthen surely know how to do it jam up and jelly tight!


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