
Monday, February 11, 2013

A Time to Cook

Ok, ya’ll, I am thrilled! Nothing like a fun trip to the mailbox. For this Farmer, a fun mailbox run usually constitutes new magazines to pour over, a letter from a friend or a lack of bills. Yet, the first copy of your cookbook sent from my publisher is a true treasure!


A Time to Cook – Dishes from My Southern Sideboard will be in stores this spring! Blood, sweat, tears and a great deal of butter went into the writing, cooking and photographing of this book. The fabulous Helen Norman photographed the book for me. She also photographed Porch Living and we have worked together with Southern Living photoshoots as well. We had a blast, and, ps, photographing a cookbook is tough work – it takes a great deal of will power not to swipe a lick of whipped cream or a bite of a biscuit!

I cannot wait to share with ya’ll everything from fried chicken to cheese straws and my versions of Southern haute cuisine, so, just like baking a pound cake, be patient (and don’t slam any doors lest the cake shall fall) and A Time to Cook will be here soon!


  1. I can't wait! Before long your books are going to need their own bookshelf in my house! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Great tips related to making cook with less time, I learned online recipes.I would like to cook more complex and varied food, but it’s really nice to have lunches and dinner. This site helps me to write my essay on this theme. Keep posting
