
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 Akin to a baker's dozen, my Farmer's Dozen is a quantity of a dozen or so questions - a series of questions with fellow designers, authors, tastemakers, friends and Southerners alike. 

Today I'm thrilled to be hosting Lindsey Harper on the FARMER'S DOZEN!

1. You're a Georgia Peach in the Big Apple--how did you get started in NYC? What attracted you to the city?

I got to NYC via an internship my last semester of UGA, which our major required.  The list that UGA provided for internships were almost all in Atlanta.  I asked if I could find my own in New York…I got one by some miracle, literally 2 days before we had to turn in our selection.  My first internship was at Carleton V, in the D&D building in New York.

2. If you were a color, what would you be and why?
Asking me my favorite color is like asking a parent to name their favorite child.  I have an affinity for so many colors. Today I'll go with Prussian Blue!  It's an intense color, yet calming at the same time and oddly enough it is a color that works with almost any other color scheme.

3. What are some of your favorite heirlooms? What do you love about them? How have you incorporated them into your decor?
I don't really have many heirlooms here with me in NYC.  I moved to NYC with only 2 suitcases 13 years ago.  I have acquired a few nice pieces since then and I make my own line of furniture-Lamshop.  I am quite proud of the pieces that I've created myself and with my dear friend Maggie in our furniture company Lamshop.

4. What's your favorite room in your home?
Well I live in NYC so there aren't many rooms to choose from (yet!).   But I do love my living room, it's quite cozy and I have an apartment full of windows.  I feel like Holly Golightly when i get home at night, with a wonderful view of Manhattan! 

         5. Favorite scent?

6. You work with Southern clients in great Southern cities like Charlotte and Atlanta. How does your NY prowess infuse your style when you're working with them?

Being in New York is great because if you keep your eyes open, you can see so much.  The art and culture here that you absorb just by walking down the street is amazing.  I try to bring something fresh and different to Southern projects.  I think clients that want to work with me want a little something different.

7. Your family is like mine and loves the Georgia coast--Sea Island especially. How do those landscapes influence you? Do you take anything from there as a design point of reference?
I really love Georgia's southeastern coast, every time I return it reminds me of my childhood.  The colors and beauty found there in nature I'm sure it influences me and my work without me knowing it.  I have always loved the water and I use a lot of blue and aqua.  I'm sure there is a correlation there.

8. What do you miss most about Georgia when you're away for a while? (Besides your sweet mama!)

Sweet tea and biscuits?! The people that bend over backward for you without even knowing you!  The smell of a crisp fall day.

9. What's your favorite pattern?
I love just about anything geometric.  An octagon is a favorite, chevron, faux tortoise or faux malachite are equally divine!!

10. What's your favorite garden flavor? How do you incorporate it into your favorite dishes?

Mint, great for cocktails and ice cream

11. What do you call your grandmother? Share a story about her... Maybe tell us about something you've inherited from her.
Fortunately I still have both of my grandmothers.  My maternal grandmother Mary, is "Mother Mary" we always called her by her first name, that's it.  She has given me many wonderful things, but mainly my happy outlook on life.  I don't think I've ever seen her have a bad day!  She's one of the happiest people I've ever known.  She gifted me a great and unusual emerald and gold ring that I wear every day.

My paternal grandmother Lucille, who is 94 and sharp as a tack goes by "Gaggy".  I couldn't say grandmother when I was little, it sounded like Gaggy and being one of the eldest grandchildren…everyone in the family adopted it.  I have very fond memories of picking camellias in her yard and making centerpieces for the dining table out of them.

12. What's the last meal you made at home? Who did you share it with?
Well last week it was David Cheng's MOMOFUKU Pork and sticky buns with some girlfriends of mine!   As we speak, I have a batch of chili in the crockpot as Coco and I prepare for Hurricane Sandy to roll in.

13. I am always telling my clients that coffee tables are like mini representations of our lives. So what's on your coffee table?
Books, books and more books! I love to read & I collect beautiful cocktail table books on my favorite subjects (Interior Design, Fashion, photography, entertaining and art of course!).  They work great when you stack them and then add your decorative objet on top.  A large vintage zebra someone brought me from Palm Beach and a giant green malachite and brass ash tray (I do not smoke) but this vintage piece was too hunky to pass up.  I also have a large silver octagonal bowl which holds some coral and my remote controls.  No one wants to see your remotes!  All of these things look great on my Chinese red lacquered Lamshop cocktail table.

Pictured below is a glimpse of Lindsey's spectacular style! 
Thank you, Lindsey, for joining us for the FARMER'S DOZEN.

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