
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Put a Wreath On It

When it comes to the holidays, wreaths are the Pièce de Résistance! In this interview, written by the always lovely Danny Bonvissuto, I give you the run down on how to bring wreaths into your own holiday season.

Also, y'all come see me Sunday in Atlanta. I will be doing a book signing from 12 - 6 pm at Peachtree Battle Antiques & Interiors. For more information, check out this article in Atlanta's Neighbor Newspaper.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My New “Old Kentucky Home”

When asked to be a part of a Christmas decorating event in Kentucky, I was first intrigued and then foaming at the mouth nearly to get started. The project would include outrageously talented designers, a venue with historical provenance, social circles this Farmer could only dream about, and Southern hostess the likes of which will always bring a smile to my face (and pang in my heart to not be with them every moment of every day…these ladies endeared themselves to me ever so dearly.) My “Old Kentucky Home” whirled throughout my mind that week and I had to amend it just a tad – so that the fair commonwealth would be my “NEW Kentucky Home.”

It is not everyday this Farmer gets the opportunity to work with a design hero and friend as well. Jon Carloftis is such a fellow, and I had the amazing task and pleasure of decorating for Christmas The Old Kentucky Governor’s Mansion in Frankfurt, Kentucky, last December. What a blast!! Jon, Dale and their crew made “work” way to much fun as always –such an awesome time!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Online Wreaths Store

Well, y'all asked for it--now it's here! You can now purchase wreaths from my latest book Wreaths for All Seasons through my website! Whether you hang your wreath on a door, over a mantel or use it as a festive centerpiece, you will love these lush, luscious creations. Shouldn't every season have a symbolic representation in our homes? Wreaths provide that first and last impression at our doors, as table top centerpieces or wall accents--what a beautiful way to bring the outdoors inside, what a beautiful way to herald the seasons. 

So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to the store and bring one of these lovely wreaths from my home to yours!

Available in our new online store: [1] Citrus & Cones Wreath [2] Garden Sunburst Wreath
[3] Boxwood & Burlap [4]  Williamsburg Everlasting. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Akin to a baker's dozen, my Farmer's Dozen is a quantity of a dozen or so questions - a series of questions with fellow designers, authors, tastemakers, friends and Southerners alike.

This week, it is my pleasure to introduce my friend, a brilliant author and cook, Gena Knox!  A native of a small town in South Georgia, Gena Knox’s foray into the kitchen came at a young age.  Her daily chores included helping her mom with the family’s meals, and as she got older she began to experiment and learn how to put her stamp on traditional meals.  Influenced by her mom’s love of cooking, the abundance of fresh produce from the garden and the fact that all good meals in her area were home-cooked, Gena embraced all things food and was set on her culinary path.  

     Today, that culinary path has led Gena to author her two cookbooks, Southern My Way: Simple Recipes, Fresh Flavors released in November 2010 and Gourmet Made Simple published in 2008. Southern My Way is a compilation of recipes for traditional Southern dishes that have been updated with a lighter, healthier approach and focus on the use of local ingredients.  With more than 250 pages of full-color photographs and seasonal recipes that have been streamlined for busy lives, this cookbook takes home cooks on a journey through both the South that Gena grew up in and the South she knows today.  Winner of the Southern Independent Book Award as best Southern cookbook and the Eric Hoffer Award, Southern My Way shows Gena’s true passion for food. 


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Paula Deen

I cannot tell y'all how thrilled I was to be heading down to Savannah- one of my favorite towns- to film an episode with the grand dame herself, Mrs Paula Deen! My sweat stain after my morning workout proved to be right from the heart and represented how my heart felt to be filming with Mrs Paula- overflowing!


After my hearty workout, I potted two of this Farmer's favorite herbs and some Swiss chard to take down to Savannah for the shoot- I am a sucker for an herb in a pot with moss! Well, just about anything tucked into a moss bed is fun! Since we were cooking my rosemary pork tenderloin, I thought the rosemary gift was apropos.


Brandon Branch decorates Mrs Paula's set for each episode. This man has talent- making each episode's decor warm and Southern and completely inviting. Pomegranates, persimmons, pears and artichokes in a good ol' enamel ware bowl was an added touch. Brandon had to know these are my favorite fruits to not only eat but decorate with... If he wasn't privy than this was a marvelous happenstance! Even the apples with grain sack cloth were truly fabulous!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


 Akin to a baker's dozen, my Farmer's Dozen is a quantity of a dozen or so questions - a series of questions with fellow designers, authors, tastemakers, friends and Southerners alike. 

Today I'm thrilled to be hosting Lindsey Harper on the FARMER'S DOZEN!

1. You're a Georgia Peach in the Big Apple--how did you get started in NYC? What attracted you to the city?

I got to NYC via an internship my last semester of UGA, which our major required.  The list that UGA provided for internships were almost all in Atlanta.  I asked if I could find my own in New York…I got one by some miracle, literally 2 days before we had to turn in our selection.  My first internship was at Carleton V, in the D&D building in New York.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sip and Savor Apple Cider

 Recipe found in Sip and Savor

Baby, its cold outside! I’ve found myself sippin’ and savorin’ a warm drink of sorts all day – Earl Grey this morning, Orange Zinger later on, the latter two combined and then for my nightcap, this warm cider was just the ticket.


Every year, my fair peach state yields the last of its famed crop towards summer’s end. Afterwards, apples from our northern mountain counties’ orchards start coming in, giving us another fabulous fruit for a season. Pies, cakes, tarts, butter, and sauce all come from the apple crop, but one apple product in particular is nostalgic with the crisp autumn days – apple cider.