
Friday, March 5, 2010

Points on Perennials

· Remember to fill in some of the interludes of the perennial border with some annual color. Whenever a break in bloom cycle occurs in the garden, a few ever-blooming or bold foliage choices stopgap any lull between perennial bloom sessions.

· Look to your native bloomers as stellar choices for your garden palette. The indigenous species blooming and thriving in your native landscapes can fair quite well in your garden.

Light and water – keep companion plants together in the garden for water and energy conservation. Companion planting can be one of the most rewarding gardening themes for your own plot of earth.

· The old adage of blooming where you are planted bodes well for living with a garden. Here in the Deep South zones 7—9, try not to grow those plants that fair will in zones 5 or 10. Cultivating within your zone appoints the garden and gardener with successful plants.

Record your garden adventures and compare notes with friends. I learn so much from my fellow troopers with dirt on their hands. Gleaning knowledge, tips, and advice from those digging, planting, and cultivating alongside you makes for a treasure trove of garden information.

· Year to year blooms thus perennial maintenance. Keep you perennial borders weeded, deadheaded, and free of debris so your plants have room to grow and bloom. Thriving perennials will even need to be divided and can be shared with gardening friends and scattered around the garden.

· As with garden living in general, growing perennials is a labor of love. Enjoy your garden and plantings. A happy gardener can be a happy cook, host, and decorator with their garden’s produce. Garden living should be an enjoyable lifestyle, enriching your life and of those around you.

Mr. Turtle may have seen better days, but he's still around!

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